Whats on for 2022

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Business Owner Well-being

Work on your self care to ensure optimum performance as a successful Business Owner, scheduling time for family and friends whist being a mindful entrepreneur

Connect with one on one discussions providing strategies and tools to create a safe, nurturing environment to foster self awareness and time for you whilst kicking business goals

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2022 Business Plans

Create your vision with detailed, strategic forecasting, monthly goals and tangible plans to scale your business.

  • Business Plan

  • Goal setting

  • Targets forecast

2022 bookings available now



Register for 2022 online sessions

16 Jun 2022 - The secret Business Plan; hints & tips for your 2020 goals

30 Jun 2022 - Business tools to save you time

13 Jul 2022 - Get to Know your Numbers; the essence of Business foundations - Build a Forecast

27 Jul 2022 - Be tempted to Network; the confidence to be your Business self